
4 elements ii walkthrough level 64
4 elements ii walkthrough level 64

4 elements ii walkthrough level 64

While a range of medications have been invented, these have had only modest effects for most psychiatric disorders, and concerns have increased over the impact of negative psychosocial changes such as the breakdown of family units, stressful jobs and a challenging work–life balance, a more sedentary life, poorer nutrition, declining air quality, and a decreased connection with nature. At the very least, it should be recognized that some aspects of modernity have had a deleterious effect on mental health ( 2, 3). While scientific advancement has moved well beyond such rudimentary medical theory, there may still be merit in considering some of the basic tenets of the philosophy underpinning the humors for potential application in maintaining or enhancing mental health. Several distinguished clinicians and historians in centuries past have posited that primordial elements construct a person and that imbalances are the cause of ill health. Humans have an intimate connection to nature, and by our very being, we are part of nature ( 1). Further robust research is however required to firmly validate many of these interventions, and to establish their therapeutic applications for the benefit of specific mental health disorders. Interventional examples with emerging evidentiary support include “forest-bathing,” heat therapy, sauna, light therapy, “greenspace” and “bluespace” exercise, horticulture, clay art therapy activities, and pranayamic yoga breathing exercises. This theoretical scoping review paper details the emerging evidence for a range of these elements, covering epidemiological and interventional data, and provides information on how we can engage in “biophilic” activities to harness their potential benefits. In a contemporary sense, these elements reflect a range of modifiable factors: UV light or heat therapy (Fire) sauna, hydrotherapy, and balneotherapy (Water) nature-based exposure therapy and horticulture (Earth) oxygen-rich/clean air exposure and breathing techniques (Air). The “elements,” classically described in humoral theory as Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, all may impact our mental health. Humans are intimately connected to nature, and our physical and mental health is influenced strongly by our environment. 3THRI, Western Sydney University, Campbelltown, NSW, Australia.2Professorial Unit, The Melbourne Clinic, Department of Psychiatry, Melbourne University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.1NICM Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University, Westmead, NSW, Australia.Jerome Sarris 1,2*, Michael de Manincor 1, Fiona Hargraves 1 and Jack Tsonis 1,3

4 elements ii walkthrough level 64