

Throughout the workshop, the students interacted with their neighborhood, and developed a greater understanding of the way water (and lack thereof) has formed our city. “As an instructor, that’s the best part, to see the moment when they connect all the dots of what you’re teaching them.” “I got to see the kids slowly wrapping the tentacles of their minds around what it takes to create an image,” he says. Artist-in-residence Jonas Becker describes this as lesson as one of the most rewarding. They constructed pinhole cameras out of cardboard and film as a way of understanding how light makes an image. In order to begin answering these questions, students first received hands on training in the technical elements of photography and basic filmmaking.


How can light, photography, and community help us imagine the future of water in Los Angeles?


MacArthur Lake became the epicenter for their imaginations.


Beneath the Surface is a public art workshop organized by Jonas Becker, artist-in-residence at HOLA and interdisciplinary visual artist who uses art to explore our cultural hopes, fears and beliefs.Bringing together guests with valuable expertise, including Lisa Bechtold (archivist), Caitlin Craggs (animationist), and Avishay Artsy (KCRW radio journalist), Jonas asked his students to use photography, animation, journalism and filmmaking as tools to explore water and drought in Los Angeles. HOLA visual arts students have been learning about the drought and its impact on their city, and have been creating art to explore their findings.
