
Clipboard manager ubuntu
Clipboard manager ubuntu


(This package was listed in first section above) I use ClipIt is a Parcelite fork with Ubuntu menu integration.


Glipper is a clipboard manager, it can be installed from the Software Center.It features among others a (very handy) command line interface.įrom this ( Ubuntu 14.04 Clipboard Manager?) we learn from users:

clipboard manager ubuntu

  • CopyQ is a cross-platform, well-designed and fully-featured clipboard manager (my favorite).

    Code refactored, certain parts rewritten for repeated use.įrom this ( Clipboard Manager for Ubuntu 16.04) we learn from users:

  • Added "Pinned submenu" and ability to "pin" specific items from clipboard history.
  • Added base64 operations (encode/decode).
  • So far this only opens default program set for the plain-text filetype.
  • Added option for opening a history item in text file ( similar to bash's fcedit).
  • Users now can convert clipboard contents to upper/lower case, trim words/characters from beginning or end of the text, and replace expressions(uses python's re regex). Effectively, this is log reading within date range, same as this The option calls for zenity forms dialog which requires starting and ending date in YYYY/MM/DD/HH:SS format.
  • Implemented displaying range of entries by date.
  • Implemented file operations feature - loading a text file into clipboard and writing clipboard contents to file.
  • If you want to make a feature request, please submit an issue ticket on project's GitHub page, where its source code is also available. The menu length and text width are currently hard-coded to 10 items in the indicator and 30 characters max for each entry. In future there will be additional features added, such as preferences dialog. The indicator was made in one day, thus it is fairly minimalistic in nature as of right now.
  • Yes, that's Ubuntu (16.04) with launcher on the bottom.
  • clipboard manager ubuntu

  • desktop and icon theme are Ubuntu Kylin theme, 16.04 version.
  • clipboard manager ubuntu

    The found text then can be copied via selecting text and using standard Ctrl+ C shortcut. The found contents are displayed in a simple text view dialog with timestamp in user's locale (if it's set). In the animation below you can see demonstration of text being copied, clipboard appended to with the indicator, and finally the test string is searched via simple search dialog. In terminal, run the following commands: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:1047481448-2/sergkolo Each text entry has 4 options in its submenu: insert text into clipboard, append text to the end of what's currently in cliboard, prepend text to the beginning of current contents, and remove it from history. Search functionality, in particular, makes use of Python's re module, which means you can use regex expressions for more fine-grained search. As stated in the comments, I've written a simple clipboard manager indicator with use of Python 3 and a few zenity dialogs, which allows manipulating clipboard contents, as well as has search functionality.

    Clipboard manager ubuntu